The LymeFiber project reached an important milestone today when ValleyNet, the non-profit who will build and operate our network, issued a Request for Proposals (RFP, shown below) for construction of the network. This document will be distributed to companies and trade organizations in the fiber-optic field. It specifies all the technical and legal details of the project. Responses to the RFP are due next month. A committee of LymeFiber and ValleyNet experts will review the responses and select a builder.
Companies are being asked for proposals to build a network that consists of about 57 miles of fiber-optic cable throughout the town as well as drops – the connections from the utility poles to the house or business – for over 300 subscribers who signed up for service.
And as always, if you haven’t filled out our no-obligation signup form, click Sign Up Now! at the top of this page.
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